You Are Worthy of Support

“Your problems are your own.” That is what I told myself over and over again while dealing with anxiety and the struggle to find the point of staying alive.

“No one knows what it feels like to feel the way I do… right?” These thoughts felt inescapable as I sat alone after school in my room each day.

Although those thoughts are very real, they do not dictate the truth.

To anyone reading this, I want to remind you of this one truth:
You and I are meant to have community with one another.

The process of healing is challenging. I am not going to deny that. However, there are people who relate to our stories. There are people who want to hear them.

You are not alone in your struggle.

At the age of fifteen, I did not want to be here. My struggles were who I was. Everyone around me seemed so happy, yet I could not remember what the feeling of happiness was. It felt like asking for help would burden whoever I asked.

It was not until I realized I was worthy of support that I found healing. I shared my struggles with someone who cared, and they supported me in getting help through counselling.

We are people designed for community; in fact, we thrive off of it. Even those of us who feel more introverted need to share our burdens with others.

"Two are better than one. If one person falls, the other can help them up."

We need to get rid of the idea that it is wrong to reach out for help.
Asking for help does not make you weak. It does not make you less.

When someone goes to me with a struggle, I do not think they are weak.
I feel honored that they would choose me to share with.

No matter who you are or what you have experienced, you are worthy and deserving of support.
You are worthy of restoration and worthy of support in the restoration process.

Sharing burdens is what brings us together and heals our hearts.

Seek support. You are worth it.




Mindfulness Apps:

  • MindShift
  • Any breathe or breathing app on iOS or Android

Information & Support:



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