Your support enables us to pursue a world without suicide, by speaking hope and life into darkness and death. All gifts of $10 or more in a year will receive a tax receipt.

Registered Charity #771155736RR0001

Read our 2022 Annual Report here.

Monthly Support Goal

Scheduling a monthly gift is one of the best ways to support our work, as it provides predictability to our finances. Please consider making Hashtag Hope a part of your regular giving.

Year End Giving Campaign


Thanks to you, we surpassed our year-end giving goals, which makes starting 2024 much easier! We are so incredibly thankful to you for helping us creatively pursue a world without suicide.

A huge thank you to Mel Evans Electric for matching donations all donations made between Giving Tuesday and December 23.

Thank you TW Properties for selecting us as your recipient charity in 2023.

Thank you to The Gooder Family Foundation for matching the TW Properties donation.

We continue to be humbled by the support of this community! We appreciate each of you. May 20243 bring you hope and a full life and opportunities to walk with those experiencing darkness. You are so very loved.


$30,838.13 Raised


$20k By The End of 2022


In the last five weeks of 2022, from Giving Tuesday to New Years Eve, we aimed to raise an additional $20,000 to help us end the year strong, and you came through! We can't thank you enough for your support of our work in 2022.

But we have some big dreams for 2023, and we want to reach more people with a message of hope when they're in darkness. And we need your ongoing support to make that possible.

Raised So Far: $20,098.15

Goal: $20,000.00


Ways To Give:



You work hard to earn your money, and we value every one of the many people who have given to Hashtag Hope over the years. That is why we are careful to make sure we steward your generosity well. This includes registration as a Canadian charity, partnerships with CanadaHelps and other donation platforms, and contracting out our bookkeeping and accounting needs to a qualified third party (Amplify Mission). As a newer charity with revenues under $250,000, full audited financial statements are not yet required of us, although a review engagement was completed for FY 2022. If you have any questions or concerns about our financial stewardship, please contact us.